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Hearing the words spoken by Kaikeyi,

Rama, being distressed addressed the queen

in the presence of the king :

अहो धिङ् नार्हसे देवि वक्तुं मामी दृशं वचः ॥

"O Fie ! O Queen, you should not tell

me such words.

अहं हि वचनाद्राज्ञः पतेयमपि पावके ।

भक्षयेयं विषं तीक्ष्णं मज्जेयमपि चार्णवे ॥

For, at the king's bidding I would even

jump into the fire, consume virulent poison

or even be drowned in the ocean.

तद् ब्रूहि वचनं देवि राज्ञो यदभिकाङ्क्षितम् ।

करिष्ये प्रतिजाने च रामो द्विर्नाभिभाषते ॥

Therefore, O Queen, tell me the king's

intended command. I shall carry it out.

I promise you. Rama never speaks


तमार्जवसमायुक्तमनार्या सत्यवादिनम् ।

उवाच रामं कैकेयी वचनं भृशदारुणम् ॥

To that Rama who was straightforward

and truth-speaking, the ignoble Kaikeyi

said these highly cruel words: