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स ददर्शासने रामो निषण्णं पितरं शुभे ।

कैकेयीसहितं दीनं मुखेन परिशुष्यता ॥

Rama saw his father, dejected and with

a withered countenance, seated on the

auspicious seat along with Kaikeyi.

स पितुश्चरणौ पूर्वमभिवाद्य विनीतवत् ।

कैकेयीमभिवाद्यैव रामो वचनमत्ब्रवीत् !

Saluting first his father's feet with

humility and saluting Kaikeyi also Rama

spoke these words;

कच्चिन्मया नापराद्धमज्ञानाद्येन मे पिता ।

कुपितस्तन्ममाचक्ष्व त्वं चैवैनं प्रसादय ॥

"Have I not (1 must have) unknowingly
committed some fault for which my father

committed some fault for which my father
is angry with me? Tell me that.
And do
is angry with me? Tell me that

you also pacify him
you also pacify him.

एतदाचक्ष्व मे देवि तत्त्वेन परिपृच्छतः ।

किं निमित्तमपूर्वोऽयं विकारो मनुजा धिपे ॥

O Queen! tell this truly to me who ask

you. What is the reason for this un-

precedented change (in countenance) in the

king ?"