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feet. Be thou the refuge of Rama. Let not

unrighteousness touch me in this matter."

इति दुःखाभिसन्तप्तं प्रार्थयन्तं पुनःपुनः ।

प्रत्युवाचाथ कैकेयी रौद्रा रौद्रतरं वचः ॥

To him who was thus afflicted with

misery and repeatedly supplicating her,

the fierce Kaikeyi replied with fiercer

words :

भवत्वधर्मो धर्मो वा सत्यं वा यदि वाऽनृतम् ।

यत्त्वया संश्रुतं मह्यं तस्य नास्ति व्यतिक्रमः ॥

" Be it righteousness or unrighteousness,

truth or even untruth, there shall be no

transgression of what has been promised

me by you.

भरतेनात्मना चाहं शपे ते मनुजाधिप ।

यथा नान्येन तुष्येयमृते रामविवासनात् ॥

By Bharata and by my own self, I swear

to you, O Lord of men ! I will not be

satisfied with anything but the banishment

of Rama."

एतावदुत्तवा वचनं कैकेयी विरराम ह ।

दीनया तु गिरा राजा इति होवाच कैकयीम् ॥