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ततः श्रुत्वा महाराजः कैकेय्या दारुणं वचः ।

कैकेयीमब्रवीत्क्रुद्धः प्रदहन्निव चक्षुषा ॥

Then, hearing the cruel words of

Kaikeyi, the great king grew wroth and,

burning her, as it were, with his eyes,

spoke thus to Kaikeyi:

नृशंसे दुष्टचारित्रे कुलस्यास्य विनाशिनि ।

किं कृतं तव रामेण पापे पापं मयाऽपि वा ॥

"O cruel, wicked, sinful woman, des-

troyer of this family, what evil has been

done to you by Rama, or by me ?

यदा ते जननीतुल्यां वृत्तिं वहति राघवः ।

तस्थैव त्वमनर्थाय किन्निमित्तमिहोद्यता ॥

While Raghava behaves to you as to

his mother why are you intent on the ruin

of such a one ?

जीवलोको यथा सर्वो रामस्याह गुणस्तवम् ।

अपराध कमुद्दिश्य त्यक्ष्यामीष्टमहं सुतम् ॥

When the whole living world recounts

the praise of Rama's qualities, for what

fault of his can I abandon my beloved son?