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im, without seeing whom even for a

short while, I cannot certainly live, by that

Rama, O Kaikeyi, I swear to you the fulfil-

ment of my word."

तेन वाक्येन संहृष्टा तमभिप्रायमागतम् ।

व्याजहार महाघोरमभ्यागतमिवान्तकम् ॥

Being pleased by that speech, she made

plain her intention, highly cruel like Death

that had come near.

स्मर राजन् पुरा वृत्तं तस्मिन् दैवासुरे रणे ।

रौ यौ मे त्वया देव तदा दत्तौ महीपते ॥

"Remember O king and ruler of the

earth, what happened before in that fight

between the Gods and the Asuras, those

two boons which were given to me by you.

तो तावदहमद्यैव वक्ष्यामि शृणु मे वचः ॥

I will just mention these two boons even

now. Listen to my words :

अनेनैवाभिषेकेण भरतो मेऽभिषिच्यताम् ।

नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि रामो भवतु तापसः ॥

"At this very installation, let my

Bharata be installed. For nine and five

years, let Rama become an ascetic."