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He (Rama) is well-versed in dharma,
well-disciplined by teachers, grateful, of
true speech and pure heart. Rama, being
the king's eldest son, deserves therefore
to be Yuvaraja.
यथा मे भरतो मान्यस्तथा भूयोऽपि राघवः ।
कौसल्यातोऽतिरिक्तं च स तु शुश्रूषते हि माम् ॥
As Bharatha is to be cherished by me,
much more so indeed is Raghava. For
he attends on me with greater devotion
then he does on Kausalya.
राज्यं यदि हि रामस्य भरतस्यापि तत्तदा ।
मन्यते हि यथाऽऽत्मानं तथा भ्रातृ॑स्तु राघवः ॥
If the kingdom goes to Rama, then it
goes to Bharata too. For, Rama considers
his brothers as his very self,"
कैकेय्या वचनं श्रुतवा मन्थरा भृशदुःखिता ।
दीर्घमुष्णं विनिश्वस्य कैकेयीमिदमत्रवीत् ॥
Hearing the words of Kaikeyi, Manthara,
greatly distressed and heaving a long and
hot sigh, spoke thus to Kaikeyi :