2023-08-11 10:27:42 by jayusudindra
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outwardly, attract unto yourself all the
subjects, including the ministers, etc.,
increasing greatly the treasury and the
increasing greatly the treasury and the
तुष्टानुरक्तप्रकुतिर्यः पालयति मेदिनीम् ।
तस्य नन्दन्ति मित्राणि लब्ध्वाऽमृतमिवामराः ।
तस्मात्त्वमपि चात्मानं नियम्यै
He who rules his kingdom and makes
his subjects happy and loyal-his friends
delight in him as the gods in getting
nectar. Therefore, regulate your conduct
accordingly, after disciplining yourself.
अद्य प्रकृतयस्सर्वास्त्वामिच्छन्ति नराधिपम् ।
श्वस्त्वाऽहमभिषेक्ष्यामि यौवराज्ये परन्तप ॥
To-day all the subjects desire you as
ruler. To-morrow I shall anoint you,
O vanquisher of foes, as Yuvaraja.
तस्मात्त्वयाऽद्यप्रभृति निशेयं नियतात्मना ।
सह व
Therefore, from now onwards, this night
should be spent by you with your wife,
with your senses restrained, and lying on
a bed of kusa grass.