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"You are my worthy son born of my

worthy eldest wife. You are dear to me

and excel by your virtues.

यतस्त्वया प्रजाश्चेमाः स्वगुणैरनुरञ्जिताः ।

तस्मात्त्वं पुष्ययोगेन यौवराज्यमवाप्नुहि ॥

s these subjects have become attached

to you by your virtues, you shall therefore

be made a Yuvaraja, during the conjunc-

tion of the moon with the constellation


कामतस्त्वं प्रकृत्यैव विनीतो गुणवानसि ।

गुणवत्यपि तु स्नेहात् तुपुत्र वक्ष्यामि ते हितम् ॥

Verily, you are by nature modest and

virtuous. Though virtuous, O son out of

my love for you, I shall tell what is good

for you.

भूयो विनयमास्थाय भव नित्यं जितेन्द्रियः ।

कामक्रोधसमुत्थानि त्यजेथा व्यसनानि च ॥

Practising more self-restraint, always

master the senses. Shun all troubles born

of love and anger.

परोक्षया वर्तमानो वृत्त्या प्रत्यक्षया तथा ।

अमात्यप्रभृतीः सर्वाः प्रकृतिश्चानुरञ्जय ।

कोष्ठागारायुधागारैः कृत्वा सन्निचयान् बहून् ॥