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" This is the auspicious month of Chitra,
holy and with forests in flower.
everything necessary for the installation
of Rama as Yuvaraja be made ready."
ततस्सुमन्त्रं द्युतिमान् राजा / वचनमब्रवीत् ।
रामः कृतात्मा भवता शीघ्रमानीयतामिति ॥
Then, the resplendent king spoke these
words to Sumantra: " Let Rama, the
perfect soul, be brought quickly by you."
स राममानयाञ्चके रथेन रथिनां वरम् ॥
And he brought in a chariot Rama, the
foremost of owners of chariots.
अलङ्कृतमिवात्मानमा दर्शतलसंस्थितम् ।
स तं सस्मितमाभाष्य पुत्रं पुत्रवतां वरः ।
उवाचेदं वचो राजा देवेन्द्रमिव काश्यपः ॥
The king, foremost of those possessing
sons, after greeting with a smile his son,
richly adorned and appearing like his
own self reflected in a mirror, uttered
these words, even as Kasyapa addressed
Devendra :
ज्येष्ठायामसि मे पत्न्यां सदृश्यां सदृशः सुतः ।
उत्पन्नस्त्वं गुणश्रेष्ठो मम रामात्मजः प्रियः ॥