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तथा ब्रुवति रामे तु जामदम्ग्न्ये प्रतापवान् ।

रामो दाशरथिश्श्रीमांश्चिक्षेप शरमुत्तमम् ॥

When Rama, the son of Jamadagni

spoke thus, Rama, the son of Dasaratha,

endowed with brilliance and prosperity,

let fly that excellent arrow.

स हतान् दृश्य रामेण स्वाँल्लोकाँस्तपसाऽऽर्जितान् ।

मदग्न्यो जगामाशु महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम् ॥

Seeing the destruction by Rama of the

regions earned by his austerities, the son

of Jamadagni proceeded quickly to

Mahendra, the best of mountains.

गतो राम इति श्रुत्वा हृष्टः प्रमुदितो नृपः ।

पुनर्जातं तदा मेने पुत्रमात्मानमेव च ॥

Hearing that Rama, the son of Jama-

dagni had gone, king Dasaratha then felt

joy and great jubilation and regarded

himself and his son as having been born

once again.

चोदयामास तां सेनां जगामाशु ततः पुरीम् ॥

He directed his army to proceed and

quickly reached his (capital) city.