2023-08-11 08:34:24 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
ऋषीन् सर्वान् पुरस्कृत्य जगाम सबलानुगः ॥
The king Dasaratha too, the lord of
Ayodhya, accompained by his high souled
sons, went away, preceded by all the sages
and followed by the army.
ददर्श भीमसङ्काशं जटामण्डलधारिणम् ।
भार्गवं जामदग्न्यं तं राजवंश
He (Dasaratha) saw the son of Jama-
dagni and the descendant of Bhrigu, of
terrible aspect, wearing matted locks, the
destroyer of the kingly race.
तं दृष्ट्वा भीमसंकाशं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम् ।
ऋषयो रामरामेति वचो मधुरमब्रुवन् ॥
One seeing him of terrible aspect, glow-
ing like fire, the sages uttered the sweet
words "Rama, Rama."
रामं दाशरथिं रामो जामद
Rama, the son of Jamadagni, addressed
Rama the son of Dasaratha thus: