2023-02-21 17:43:25 by suhasm
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रामेण हि महावीर यज्ञान्ते जनसंसदि ॥
अस्मै देया मया सीता वीर्यंशुल्का महात्मने ।
प्रतिज्ञां तर्तुमिच्छामि तदनुज्ञातुमर्हसि ॥
O king of great valour, that divine bow
has been broken in the middle by the high-
souled Rama, in the presence of people at
the close of the sacrifice.
To him, the high-souled Rama, have I
to give Sita as the bride whose price is
heroism. I desire to fulfil my promise.
Pray, give your consent."
दूतवाक्यं तु तच्छ्रुत्वा राजा परमहर्षितः ।
गत्वा चतुरहं मार्गं विदेहानभ्युपेयिवान् ॥
And, hearing those words of the heralds,
the king, highly delighted, reached the
Videha country, after accomplishing four
days' journey.
ततो राजानमासाद्य वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम् ।
उवाच च नरश्रेष्ठो नरश्रेष्ठं मुदाऽन्वितः ॥
Approaching the old King Dasaratha,
best of men, Janaka, best of men, said
with joy :