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BALAKANMy daughter Sita, will by obtaining
Rama, the son of
My daughter Sita, will
asaratha for her lord,
by obtaining
ring fama, the son of Dasaratha for her lord,
bring fa
e to the line of the Janakas.
With thy consent, let
me to the line of the Janakas.
With thy consent, let
y my ministers pro-

ceed expeditiously to Ayodhya by swift

chariots and bring the king to my city with

respectful words. O Kausika, good betide


जनकेन समादिष्टा दूतास्ते क्लान्तवाहनाः ।

ददृशुर्देवसंकाशं वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम् ॥

By Janaka thus directed, the heralds,

with their steeds thoroughly exhausted,

saw the old king Dasaratha, shining like

a god.

राजानं प्रयता वाक्यम् अब्रुवन् मधुराक्षरम् ॥

With humility, they addressed the king

with sweet words:

पृष्ट्वा कुशलमव्ययंग्रं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिपः ।

कौशिकानुमते वाक्यं भवन्तमिदमब्रवीत् ॥

"Having asked after your welfare all

round, Janaka the lord of Mithila speaks

to you these words, with the approval of

Kausika :