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the bow in the middle with exceeding ease,

in the sight of thousands of men. The

righteous-minded Rama, fixed the string

and bent the bow. Rama, the foremost of

men and of great fame, broke the bow in

the middle.

तस्य शब्दो महानासीद् राजा बिविगतसाध्वसः ।

उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्य वाक्यज्ञो मुनिपुङ्गवम् ॥

Its sound was very great. With his fear

removed, the king, well-versed in speech,

addressed with folded hands, Visvamitra

the best of ascetics thus :

भगवन् दृष्टवीर्यो मे रामो दशरथात्मजः ।

अत्यद्भुतमचिन्त्यं च न तर्कितमिदं मया ॥

जनकानां कुले कीर्तिमाहरिष्यति मे सुता ।

सीता भर्तारमासाद्य रामं दशरथात्मजम् ॥

भवतोऽनुमते ब्रह्मन् शीघ्रं गच्छन्तु मन्त्रिणः ।

मम कौशिक भद्रं ते अयोध्यां त्वरिता रथैः ।

राजानं प्रश्रितैर्वाक्यैरानयन्तु पुरं मम ॥

"O venerable one ! the heroism of

Rama, son of Dasaratha, has been seen

by me. It is highly wonderful and beyond

conception. This was not anticipated

by me.