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He then entered on his Diksha with his

(external and internal) under


अथ काले गते तस्मिन् षष्ठेऽहनि समागते ।

तथा मायां विकुर्वाणौ राक्षसावभ्यधावताम् ॥

Then, after a while, on the advent of the

sixth day, two Rakshasas, practising magical

arts, hurried thither.

तावापतन्तौ सहसा दृष्ट्वा राजीवलोचनः ।

मानवं परमोदारमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम् ।

चिक्षेप परमक्रुद्धो मारीचोरतिसि राघवः ॥

Rama, the lotues-eyed, seeing them

appear suddenly, and being extremely

wroth, hurled at the chest of Maricha, the

powerful Manavastra of great effulgence.

स तेन परमास्त्रेण क्षिप्तः सागरसंप्लवे ॥

By that great weapon, he was thrown

on the waves of the ocean.

संगृह्यास्त्रं ततो रामो दिव्यमाग्नेयमद्भुतम् ।

सुबाहूरसि चिक्षेप स विद्धः प्रापतद्भुवि ॥

Then, taking hold of the divine and

wonderful Agneyastra. he hurled it at the
, he hurled it at the
chest of Subahu. Pierced by it, he fell on

the ground.