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मुनेर्वचनमक्कीवंलीबं श्रुत्वा नरवरात्मनःजः

वचनं कौशिकस्येति कर्तव्यमविशङ्कया।

अनुशिष्टोऽस्म्ययोध्यायां गुरुमध्ये महात्मना ।

पिंत्रा दशरथेनाहं नावज्ञेयं हि तद्वचः ।

तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य वचनं कर्तुमुद्यतः ॥

Hearing the manly words of the ascetic

Viswamitra, Rama, the son of the best of

men, said :—"This must be done without

hesitation, because it is the order of Viswa-

mitra. Thus have I been enjoined in Ayo-

dhya by my high-souled father Dasaratha,

in the midst of my elders. His words

cannot be disregarded. I am ready to do

your bidding, for you are of immeasurable


एवमुक्तवा धनुर्मध्ये बद्ध्वा मुष्टिमरिन्दमः ।

ज्याघोषमकरोत्तत्तीव्रं दिशश्शब्देन नादयन् ॥

Speaking thus and placing firmly his

grip in the middle of the bow, Rama, the

vanquisher of foes, twanged the bow with

terrible noise, causing the spaces to
