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गृहाण वत्स सलिलं मा भूत् कालस्य पर्ययः ।

मन्त्रग्रामं गृहाण त्वं बलामतिबलां तथा ॥

"Child ! Let there be no delay. Take

water (in your hands) and receive all the

mantras including bala and atibala.

न श्रमो न ज्वरो वा ते न रूपस्य विपर्यंयः ।

न बाह्वोः सदृशो वीर्ये पृथिव्यामस्ति कश्चन ।

त्रिषु लोकेषु वै राम न भवेत् सदृशस्त्वया ॥

There will not be any fatigue or fever

for you, nor any change in form. In the

whole world, there will be no one to match

you in might of arms. O Rama! there will

be no one to equal you in all the three


ततो रामो जलं स्पृष्ट्वा प्रहृष्टवदनः शुचिः।

प्रतिजग्राह ते विद्ये महर्षेर्भावितात्मनः ॥

Then touching the water and so purified,

Rama, his countenance beaming with plea-

sure, learned these two arts from the great .

ascetic who had mastered the secret of

the soul.

विद्यासमुदितो रामः शुशुभे भूरिविक्रमः ।

सहस्त्ररश्मिर्भगवान् शरदीव दिवाकरः ॥