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Then the holy and aged Vasishtha,
aided by the Brahmins, caused Rama
along with Sita to be seated on the
jewelled throne and installed Raghava,
the foremost of men, with pure and
scented water, even as the Vasus installed
the thousand-eyed Indra.
अभिषेके तदर्हस्य तदा रामस्य धीमतः ।
भूमिस्सस्यवती चैव फलवन्तश्च पादपाः ॥
When the worthy and wise Rama was
installed, the earth was full of grain and
the trees were full of fruits.
विभीषणोऽथ सुग्रीवो हनूमाञ्जम्बवांस्तथा ।
सर्ववानरमुख्याश्च रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा ।
यथार्ह पूजिताः सर्वे कामै रनैश्च पुष्कलैः ।
प्रहृष्टमनसः सर्वे जम्मुरेव यथागतम् ॥
Vibhishana and Sugriva, Hanuman and
Jambavan, and other chief monkeys, all
were duly honoured by Rama of benign
deeds, with presents and abundance of
jewels. With delighted hearts, all went
back as they came.