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इति प्रतिसमादिश्य पुत्रौ सीतां तथा स्नुषाम् ।

इन्द्रलोकं विमानेन ययौ दशरथो ज्वलन् ॥

Having thus spoken to both his sons as

well as his daughter-in-law Sita,
effulgent Dasaratha went to Indraloka in

his vimana.

प्रतिप्रयाते काकुत्स्थे महेन्द्रः पाकशासनः ।

अब्रवीत् परमप्रीतो राघवं प्राञ्जलिं स्थितम् ॥

When Dasaratha had gone away,

Mahendra greatly pleased, said to

Raghava, who was standing near with

folded hands;

अमोघं दर्शनं राम तवास्माकं परन्तप ।

प्रीतियुक्ताः स्म तेन त्वं ब्रूहि यन्मनसेच्छसि ॥

"O Rama, vanquisher of foes, the fact

of your seeing us all can never go in vain

We are all delighted. Tell us then what

you desire most in your heart."

एवमुक्तस्तु काकुत्स्थः प्रत्युवाच कृताञ्जलिंः ॥

When addressed thus, Rama replied

with folded hands :