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Saying ' be it so' to RAMAYANA
Saying ' be it so' to R
ama of folded

hands, the great king embraced Laksh-

mana and spoke to him thus :

अवाप्तं धर्मचरणं यशश्च विपुलं त्वया ।

राम शुश्रूषता भक्त्या वैदेह्या सह सीतया ॥

"Through devoted service to Rama,

the privilege of practising dharma and

ever increasing fame have been obtained

by you as well as by Sita, daughter of

the king of the Videhas."

स तथोक्त्वा महाबाहुर्लक्ष्मणं प्राञ्जलिं स्थितम् ।

उवाच राजा धर्मात्मा वैदेहीं वचनं शुभम् ॥

Speaking thus to Lakshmana who stood

near with folded hands, the righteous-

minded king said these auspicious words

to Vaidehi :

कर्तव्यो न तु वैदेहि मन्युस्त्यागमिमं प्रति ।

रामेण त्वद्विशुद्धयर्थं कृतमेतद्धितैषिणा ॥

O Vaidehi, you should not entertain

any anger on account of your renounce-

ment. It was done by Rama for purify-

ing you and with a desire to bring about

your welfare."