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that this has been ordained by the gods
that this has been ordained by the gods
for the killing of Ravana.

रावणं च रणे हत्वा देवास्ते परितोषिताः ।

भ्रातृभिस्सह राज्यस्थो दीर्घमायुरखावाप्नुहि ॥

The gods are well satisfied by the
killing of Ravana in battle.
The gods are

established in your kingdom along
well satisfied by the
killing of Ravana in battle.
established in your kingdom along with
your brothers, may you have long life."

इति ब्रुवाणं राजानं रामः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत् ॥

To the king who spoke thus, Rama

replied with folded hands:

कुरु प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कैकेय्या भरतस्य च ।

सपुत्रां त्वां त्यजामीति यदुक्ता कैकयी त्वया ।

स शाप: कैकयीं घोरः सपुत्रां न स्पृशेत् प्रभो ॥

"O knower of dharma, be gracious to

Kaikeyi and Bharata. O Lord, that curse

which was uttered to Kaikeyi by you, 'I

shall forsake you along with your son',-

let not that terrible curse affect Kaikeyi

or her son."

स तथेति महाराजो राममुत्तक्त्वा कृताञ्जलिम् ।

लक्ष्मणं च परिष्वज्य पुनर्वाक्यमुवाच ह ॥