2023-08-15 10:26:46 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
लङ्कास्थाऽहं त्वया वीर किं तदा न विसर्जिता ॥
O hero, when the heroic Hanuman was
sent by you to look for me, why was I,
being in Lanka, not renounced by you
then ?
प्रत्यक्षं वानरेन्द्रस्य त्वद्वाक्यसमनन्तरम् ।
त्वया संत्यक्तया वीर त्यक्तं स्याज्जीवितं मया ॥
O hero, if I had been renounced by a
direct message from you by Hanuman,
my life too would have been renounced
by me then.
न वृथा ते श्रमोऽयं स्यात् संशये न्यस्य जीवितम् ॥
सुहृज्जनपरिक्लेशो न चायं निष्फलस्तव ।
In that event all this trouble, involving
risk to your life, would have been
avoided; so this unnecessary affliction of
your allies.
त्वया तु नरशार्दूल क्रोधमेवानुवर्तता ।
लघुनेव मनुष्येण स्त्रीत्वमेव पुरस्कृतम् ॥