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प्राप्तव्यं तु दशयोगान्मयैतदिति निश्चितम् ।

दासीनां रावणस्याहं मर्षयामीह दुर्बला ।

Owing to my circumstances it is pre-

determined that I should experience such

things. Yielding to fellow-feeling, I

certainly forgive the acts of the slave-

girls of Ravana.

आज्ञप्ता रावणेनैता राक्षस्यो मामतर्जयन् ।

हते तस्मिन्न कुर्युर्हि तर्जनं वानरोत्तम ॥

O foremost of monkeys, being ordered

by Ravana, these Rakshasa women threat-

ened me.
Now that he is killed, they will

not use any threat.

भर्तारं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि कृतार्थं सहलक्ष्मणम् ॥

I long to see my lord, who has fulfilled

his mission, along with Lakshmana."

ततः सीतां शिरस्नातां युवतीभिरलङ्कृताम् ।

आरोप्य शिबिकां दीप्ताम् आजहार विभीषणः ॥

Then Vibhishana caused Sita, who had

bathed her head (for the first time), and

had been decorated by young damsels, to

take her seat in a splendid palanquin

and brought her.