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I know Rama, of exalted soul and un-

failing powers. The mighty Vasishtha also

knows him, and indeed others too who are

steadfast in their penances. Do as requested.

Good betide you. Do not give way to


तच्छ्रुत्वा राजशार्दूलो विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम् ।

मुहूर्तमिव निस्संज्ञः संज्ञावनिदमब्रवीत् ॥

Hearing these words cf Visvamitra, the

great king was, as it were, unconscious, he

spoke thus :

ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचनः ।

न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसैः ॥

"My lotus-eyed Rama is less than

sixteen years in age. I do not see his capa-

city to fight the Rakshasas.

इयमक्षौहिणी पूर्णा यस्याहं प्रतिरीश्वरः ।

योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धुं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि ॥

This entire Akshauhini (army) of which

I am the lord, is certainly fit to fight the

Rakshasa hosts. It is not meet that you

should take away Rama.

बालो ह्यकृतविद्यश्च न च वेत्ति बलाबलम् ।

न चास्त्रबलसंयुक्तो न च युद्धविशारदः ॥