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fter enquiring of your welfare, the

heroic Rama, the delight of the Raghus,
tells you with great satisfaction and with

tells you with great satisfaction and with
his heart's desire fulfilled :

प्रियामाख्यामि ते देवि त्वां तु भूयः सभाजये ।

दिष्ट्या जीवसि धर्मज्ञे जयेन मम संयुगे ॥

'O Queen, I tell you this good news

and so gratify you once again. O knower

of righteousness, it is fortunate you are

alive when victory has been obtained

in battle.

लब्घो नो विजयः सीते स्वस्था भव गतव्यथा ।

रावणश्च हतशत्रुः लङ्का चेयं वशे स्थिता ।

Sita, victory has come to us. Be
consoled, freed from all anxiety.
O Sita, ur
foe Ra
victory has coana has been slain and this Lanka
is now under
me to usy control. Be
consoled, freed from all anxiety.
foe Ravana has been slain and this Lanka
is now under my control.

मया ह्यलब्धनिद्रेण दृढेन तव निर्जये ।

प्रतिज्ञैषा विनिस्तीर्णा बद्ध्वा सेतुं महोदधौ ।

By building a bridge across the mighty

ocean has this vow been fulfilled by me,

who has been sleepless in my resolve to

recover you.