2023-08-15 09:51:00 by jayusudindra
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अल्पपुण्या त्वहं घोरे पतिता शोकसागरे ॥
Joined to Rama, Maithili will go about
rejoicing, free of all sorrow. But I, wretch-
ed woman, have been immersed in the
terrible ocean of sorrow.
भ्रंशिता कामभोगेभ्यः साऽस्मि वीर वधात्तव ।
सैवान्येवास्मि संवृत्ता धिग् राज्ञां चञ्चलाः श्रियः ॥
O hero, by your death, I am deprived
of all my enjoyments. That same I have
now become, as it were a new person. Fie
on the fickle fortunes of royal person-
ages !
पिता दानवराजो मे भर्ता मे राक्षसेश्वरः ।
पुत्रो मे शक्रनिर्जेता इत्येवं गर्विता भृशम् ॥
I was indeed highly haughty because
my father was the king of the Danavas,
my husband the Lord of the Rakshasas
and my son the conqueror of Indra.
सत्यवाक् स महाभागो देवरो मे यदब्रवीत् ।
सोऽयं राक्षसमुख्यानां विनाशः पर्युपस्थितः ॥