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ननु नाम महाभाग तव वैश्रवणानुज ।

क्रुद्धस्य प्रमुखे स्थातुं त्रस्यत्यपि पुरन्दरः ।

स त्वं मानुषमात्रेण रामेण युधि निर्जितः ॥

"O highly blessed one, younger brother

of Vaisravana, did not even Indra trem-

ble to stand before you when you were

angry ?

Now, however, you have been conquered

in battle by Rama, a mere man.

यदैव च जनस्थाने राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः ।

खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवासौ न मानुषः ॥

When, in Janasthana, your brother

Khara, supported by many Rakshasas,

was killed, even then this one was not a

mere man.

व्यक्तमेष महायोगी परमात्मा सनातनः ।

अनादिमध्यनिधनो महतः परमो महान् ॥

It is clear he is indeed the greatest Yogi,

the supreme self, the everlasting, without.

beginning, middle or end, and the great-

est of the great.