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Knowing this for certain and realising

the truth, think with a calm mind on what

should be done hereafter.

मरणान्तानि वैराणि निर्वृत्तं नः प्रयोजनम् ।

क्रियतामस्य संस्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव ॥

All enmities stop at death. Our purpose

is fulfilled. Let his funeral rites be per-

formed. He is to me also what he is to


रावणं निहतं श्रुत्वा राघवेण महात्मना ।

अन्तःपुराद्विनिप्ष्पेतू राक्षस्यः शोककर्शिताः ॥

On hearing that Ravana was killed by

the high-souled Raghava, all the Rak-

shasa women, emaciated through sorrow,

issued forth from the inner apartments.

तासां विलपमानानां तथा राक्षसयोषिताम् ।

ज्येष्ठा पत्नी हतं दृष्ट्वा रामेणाक्लिष्ट
कर्मणा ।

पतिं मण्डोदरी तत्र कृपणा पर्यदेवयत् ॥

Among the Rakshasa women lamenting

thus, the miserable first queen Mandodari

looked at her husband, who had been

killed by Rama of benign deeds and thus

bewailed :