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ततः क्रुद्धो महाबाहू रघूणां कीर्तिवर्धनः ।

सन्धाय धनुषा रामः क्षुरमाशीविषोपमम् ।

चिक्षेप परमायत्तस्तं शरं मर्मंघातिनत् ॥

Then the angry and mighty armed

Rama, the enhancer of the fame of the

Raghus, fixed an arrow resembling a

deadly serpent to his bow and highly

enraged exerted his whole strength and

aimed an arrow calculated to tear the


गतासुर्भीमवेगस्तु नैरृर्ऋतेन्द्रो महाद्युतिः ।

पपात स्यन्दनाद्भूमौ वृत्रो वज्रहतो यथा ॥

And the Lord of the Rakshasas, of

great effulgence and terrific strength, was

killed and fell on the ground from his

chariot as Vritra when he was killed by

the thunderbolt.

अथान्तरिक्षे व्यनदत् सौम्यस्त्रिदशदुन्दुभिः ।

दिव्यगन्धवहस्तत्र मारुतः सुसुखो ववौ ॥

Then the celestial bugle sounded

sweetly and the wind carrying divine

fragrance wafted pleasantly.