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सौम्य शीघ्रमितो गत्वा शैलमोषधिपर्वतम् ।
दक्षिणे शिखरे तस्य जातामोषधिमानय ।
सञ्जीवनार्थं वीरस्य लक्ष्मणस्य महात्मनः ॥
"O amiable one, go quickly from here
to the mountain Oshadhiparvata and
bring the medicinal plant that grows on
its southern summit for reviving the high-
souled and heroic Lakshmana."
इत्येवमुक्तो हनुमान् गत्वा चौषधिपर्वतम् ।
आपपात गृहीत्वा तु हनुमान् शिखरं गिरेः ॥
Being addressed thus, Hanuman went
to the Oshadhiparvata and came back
holding the summit of that mountain.
सुषेणो वानरश्रेष्ठो जग्राहोत्पाट्य चौषधीम् ॥
Sushena, the foremost of monkeys, took
hold of the herb after uprooting it (from
the mountain).
ततः संक्षोदयित्वा ताम् ओषधीं वानरोत्तमः ।
लक्ष्मणस्य ददौ नस्तः सुषेणः सुमहाद्युतेः ॥
Then Sushena, the foremost-of monkeys,
squeezed the herb and gave it to the
exceedingly highly effulgent Lakshmana
(to smell) through the nose.