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Then the distressed ministers of

Paulastya (Ravana, son of Pulastya),

hearing the killing of Indrajit, related it

to the wise Dasagriva.

स तं प्रतिभयं श्रुत्वा वधं पुत्रस्य दारुणम् ।

घोरमिन्द्रजितः संख्ये कश्मलं चाविशन्महत् ॥

Hearing the woeful, terrible and tragic

slaughter of his son Indrajit in the field

of battle, Ravana was overcome with

great confusion
.great confusion.

उपलभ्य चिरात् संज्ञां राजा राक्षसपुङ्गवः ।

पुत्रशोकार्दितो दीनो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः ॥

Regaining consciousness after a long

while, the king, foremost among the

Rakshasas, with his senses agitated and

afflicted with the loss of his son, lamented

thus :

हा राक्षसचमूयुख्य मम वत्स महारथ ।

जित्वेन्द्रं कथमद्य त्वं लक्ष्मणस्य वशं गतः ॥

" O my son, foremost of Raksha sa
soldiers, and best car-warrior, how did

you, who overthrew Indra, fall to

Lakshmana now ?