2023-02-21 17:41:02 by ambuda-bot
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Miserable on account of the death of
Kumbhakarna, Ravana lamented thus :
कथमिन्द्रं जयिष्यामि कुम्भकर्ण हते त्वयि ॥
" When you have been killed, O
Kumbhakarna, how shall I overthrow
Indra ?
तदिदं मामनुप्राप्तं विभीषणवचः शुभम् ।
यदज्ञानान्मया तस्य न गृहीतं महात्मनः ॥
This has now befallen me, was, on
account of ignorance, I did not heed
the salutary advice of the high-souled
तस्यायं कर्मणः प्राप्तो विपाको मम शोकदः ।
यन्मया धार्मिकः श्रीमान् स निरस्तो विभीषणः ॥
This experience of mine is the melan-
choly result of that act by which I drove
out the righteous and auspicious Vibhi-
अहो नु बलवान् रामो महदस्त्रचलं च वै ।
यस्य विक्रममासाद्य राक्षसा निधनं गताः ॥
Alas! Rama is indeed strong and the
strength of his weapons is also great, as
the Rakshasas encountering his valour
have (all) been slain."
Miserable on account of the death of
Kumbhakarna, Ravana lamented thus :
कथमिन्द्रं जयिष्यामि कुम्भकर्ण हते त्वयि ॥
" When you have been killed, O
Kumbhakarna, how shall I overthrow
Indra ?
तदिदं मामनुप्राप्तं विभीषणवचः शुभम् ।
यदज्ञानान्मया तस्य न गृहीतं महात्मनः ॥
This has now befallen me, was, on
account of ignorance, I did not heed
the salutary advice of the high-souled
तस्यायं कर्मणः प्राप्तो विपाको मम शोकदः ।
यन्मया धार्मिकः श्रीमान् स निरस्तो विभीषणः ॥
This experience of mine is the melan-
choly result of that act by which I drove
out the righteous and auspicious Vibhi-
अहो नु बलवान् रामो महदस्त्रचलं च वै ।
यस्य विक्रममासाद्य राक्षसा निधनं गताः ॥
Alas! Rama is indeed strong and the
strength of his weapons is also great, as
the Rakshasas encountering his valour
have (all) been slain."