2023-08-15 08:59:39 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
was leaping up suddenly, was sundered
away by Rama, fiery sparks issued forth
from his angry face.
कुम्भकर्णशिरो भाति कुण्डलालङ्कृतं महत् ।
आदित्येऽभ्युदितेऽरात्रौ मध्यस्थ इव चन्द्रमाः ॥
The mighty head of Kumbhakarna
shone forth deprived as it was of the ear-
rings and appeared like the Moon seated
in the midst of the heavens on the rising
of the Sun in the morning.
न्यपतत् कुम्भकर्णोऽथ स्वकायेन निपातयन् ।
प्लवङ्गमानां कोट्यश्च परितस्संप्रधावताम् ॥
Then fell Kumbhakarna, crushing by
his body crores of monkeys fleeing all
राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्राय रावणाय न्यवेदयन् ॥
Seeing Kumbhakarna killed by the
high-souled Raghava, the Rakshasas
informed Ravana, the king of the
Rakshasas of it.
कुम्भकर्णवधाद्दीनो वि