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Let that be done which was counselled
by our younger brother.
Let that be done which was counselled
by our younger brother.
That course is
hat course is
salutary to us. Do what you like."

तत्तु श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः कुम्भकर्णस्य भाषितम् ।

भ्रुकुटिं चैव संचक्रे क्रुद्धश्चैनमभाषत ।

Hearing the speech of Kumbhakarna

the ten-necked Ravana knit his brows

and spoke to him in anger thus :-

मान्यो गुरुरिवाचार्यः किं मां त्वमनुशाससि ।

किमेवं वाक्छूछ्रमं कृत्वा काले युक्तं विधीयताम् ॥

"Do you instruct me like a venerable

guru who teaches duty? Of what use is

this effort of word ? Act as is meet now.

ममापनयज्ञं दोषं विक्रमेण समीकुरु ।

यदि खल्वस्ति मे स्नेहो विक्रमं वाऽवगच्छसि ॥

If you love me or realise your own

prowess, rectify by prowess the mischief

done by my impropriety."

तमथैव ब्रुवाणं तु वचनं धीरदारुणम् ।

रुष्टोऽयमिति विज्ञाय भ्रातरं क्षुभितेन्द्रियम् ।

कुम्भकर्णः शनैर्वाक्यं बभाषे परिसान्त्वयन् ॥