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Those who were foremost among the

Rakshasas have been killed in battle by

the monkeys. Save this city of Lanka

of which only boys and old men are


तस्य राक्षराजस्य निशम्य परिदेवितम् ।

कुम्भकर्णो बभाषेऽथ वचनं प्रजहास च ॥

Hearing the lament of the King of the

Rakshasas, Kumbhakarna spoke these

words laughing the while :

दृष्टो दोषो हि योऽस्माभिः पुरा मन्त्रविनिर्णये ।

हितेष्वनभिरक्तेन सोऽयमासादितस्त्वया ॥

You, who would not heed what was

for your good, are now confronted with

that calamity which we foresaw when we

held our council.

शीघ्रं खल्वभ्युपेतं त्वां फलं पापस्य कर्मणः ॥

Verily the fruit of your sinful action

has overtaken quickly.

तदुक्तमिह ते पूर्वं क्रियतामनुजेन च।

तदेव नो हितं कार्यं यदिच्छसि च तत् कुरु ॥