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Having stationed his army for the

killing of the Rakshasas, and remember-

ing the kingly code of conduct and with

the approval of Vibhishana, Raghava

summoned Angada, the son of Vali, and

said to him :

गत्वा सौम्य दशग्रीवं ब्रूहि मद्वचनात् कपे ॥

"0 amiable monkey, approaching the

ten-necked Ravana, tell him as from me :

यस्य दण्डधरस्तेऽहं लालङ्काद्वारे व्यवस्थितः ।

बलेन येन वै सीतां मायया राक्षसाधम ।

मामतिक्रामयित्वा त्वं हृतवांस्तद्विदर्शय ॥

"O despicable Rakshasa, I, who am

your chastiser, am now waiting at the

door of Lanka. Show now that strength

by means of which, having beguiled me

away, you carried away Sita.

अराक्षसमिमं लोकं कर्तास्मि निशितैश्शरैः ।

न चेच्छरणमभ्येषि मामुपादाय मैथिलीम् ॥

By my sharp arrows, I will make the

world rid of all Rakshasas, if you do not

my protection after restoring
