2023-08-15 06:17:51 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
once and requests help of me saying 'I
am yours,' I shall give protection from
all creatures. This is my vow."
राघवेणाभये दत्ते सन्नतो रावणानुजः ।
अब्रवीच तदा रामं वाक्यं तत्र विभीषणः ॥
When protection had been promised
by Raghava, Vibhishana, the younger
brother of Ravana, bowed and said to
Rama these words :
परित्यक्ता मया लङ्का मित्राणि च धनानि च ।
भवद्गतं मे राज्यं च जीवितं च सुखानि च ॥
"Lanka has been abandoned by me,
and friends and riches as well. King-
dom, life and all happiness are depen-
dent on you.".
इति ब्रुवाणं रामत्तु परिष्वज्य विभीषणम् ।
अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं प्रीतः समुद्राज्जलमानय ।
तेन चैनं महाप्राज्ञम् अभिषिश्च विभीषणम् ॥
Embracing Vibhishana who spoke thus,
Rama being pleased said to Lakshmana:
"Bring water from the ocean, and with it
consecrate the highly wise Vibhishana".