2023-02-21 17:40:58 by ambuda-bot
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लङ्कायां तु कृतं कर्म घोरं दृष्ट्वा भयावहम् ।
राक्षसेन्द्रो हनुमता शक्रेणेव महात्मना ।
अब्रवीद्राक्षसान् सर्वान् ह्रिया किञ्चिदवाङमुखः ॥
Looking at the terrible and awe-ins-
piring feats performed at Lanka by
Hanuman who resembled the high-souled
Indra, Ravana, the Lord of the Rakshasas
spoke to all the Rakshasas, his face cast
down slighty with shame:
धर्षिता च प्रविष्टा च लङ्का दुष्पसहा पुरी।
तेन वानरमात्रेण दृष्टा सीता च जानकी ॥
"Lanka, the invincible city, has been
conquered and entered by a mere monkey.
Sita, the daughter of king Janaka, has
also been discovered (by him).
मन्त्रमूलं हि विजयं प्राहुरार्या मनस्विनः ।
तस्माद्वै रोचये मन्त्रं रामं प्रति महाबलाः ॥
The noble and high-souled ones say
that victory is dependent on deliberation.
Therefore, O highly strong ones, I desire
to take counsel with you regarding Rama.
लङ्कायां तु कृतं कर्म घोरं दृष्ट्वा भयावहम् ।
राक्षसेन्द्रो हनुमता शक्रेणेव महात्मना ।
अब्रवीद्राक्षसान् सर्वान् ह्रिया किञ्चिदवाङमुखः ॥
Looking at the terrible and awe-ins-
piring feats performed at Lanka by
Hanuman who resembled the high-souled
Indra, Ravana, the Lord of the Rakshasas
spoke to all the Rakshasas, his face cast
down slighty with shame:
धर्षिता च प्रविष्टा च लङ्का दुष्पसहा पुरी।
तेन वानरमात्रेण दृष्टा सीता च जानकी ॥
"Lanka, the invincible city, has been
conquered and entered by a mere monkey.
Sita, the daughter of king Janaka, has
also been discovered (by him).
मन्त्रमूलं हि विजयं प्राहुरार्या मनस्विनः ।
तस्माद्वै रोचये मन्त्रं रामं प्रति महाबलाः ॥
The noble and high-souled ones say
that victory is dependent on deliberation.
Therefore, O highly strong ones, I desire
to take counsel with you regarding Rama.