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through the moon, our eyes meet (as both

of us look at the same moon).

हारोऽपि नार्पितः कण्ठे स्पर्शसंरोधभीरुणा ।

भुजयोरन्तरे जाताः पर्वताः सरितो द्रुमाः ॥

Eeven a garland was not put by me

upon the neck of my beloved lest it

should hinder our (mutual) contact. But

now mountains, rivers and trees have

come between us (our arms).

कदा नु राक्षसेन्द्रस्य निधायोरसि सायकान् ।

सीतां प्रत्याहरिप्ष्यामि शोकमुत्सृज्य मानसम् ॥

When shall I bring back Sita after

shooting with arrows the breast of the

lord of the Rakshasas and thus casting

aside my mental agony ? "

एवं बिलपतस्तस्य भास्करोऽस्तमुपागमत् ।

आश्वासितो लक्ष्मणेन रामः सन्ध्यामुपाविशत् ॥

As he was thus lamenting, the sun

set. And being consoled by Lakshmana,

Rama began to offer his evening
