2023-08-15 05:57:06 by jayusudindra
This page has been fully proofread once and needs a second look.
of us look at the same moon).
हारोऽपि नार्पितः कण्ठे स्पर्शसंरोधभीरुणा ।
भुजयोरन्तरे जाताः पर्वताः सरितो द्रुमाः ॥
upon the neck of my beloved lest it
should hinder our (mutual) contact. But
now mountains, rivers and trees have
come between us (our arms).
कदा नु राक्षसेन्द्रस्य निधायोरसि सायकान् ।
सीतां प्रत्याहरि
When shall I bring back Sita after
shooting with arrows the breast of the
lord of the Rakshasas and thus casting
aside my mental agony ? "
एवं बिलपतस्तस्य भास्करोऽस्तमुपागमत् ।
आश्वासितो लक्ष्मणेन रामः सन्ध्यामुपाविशत् ॥
As he was thus lamenting, the sun
set. And being consoled by Lakshmana,
Rama began to offer his evening