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Hearing the words of Rama, Sugriva,
the foremost of monkeys and the com-
mander-in-chief of the army, directed the
highly valorous monkeys.
Encompassing the entire earth, the
great army moved on.
निविष्टायां तु सेनायां तीरे नदनदीपतेः ।
पार्श्वस्थं लक्ष्मणं दृष्ट्वा रामो वचनमब्रवीत् ॥
When the army had been stationed on
the banks of the ocean, the lord of all
rivers, Rama looked at Lakshmana stand-
ing by his side and uttered these words:
शोकश्च किल कालेन गच्छता ह्यपगच्छति ।
मम चापश्यतः कान्ताम् अहन्यहनि वर्धते ॥
"Indeed, as time passes sorrow also
disappears. But to me, it increases day
by day so long as I am not able to look at
my beloved.
वाहि वात यतः कान्ता तां स्पृष्ट्वा मामपि स्पृश ।
त्वयि मे गात्रसंस्पर्शश्चन्द्रे दृष्टिसमागमः ॥
O wind, blow where my beloved is.
Touching her, come and touch me also.
Through you I feel her touch and