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ते तथोक्ता भगवता तत् प्रतिश्रुत्य शासनम् ।

जनयामासुरेवं ते पुत्रान् वानररूपिणः ॥

Being thus told by the venerable one and

assenting to his command, all of them pro-

duced sons in the shape of monkeys.

निर्वृत्ते तु क्रतौ तस्मिन् राजा संपूर्णमानसः ।

उवास सुखितस्तत्र पुत्रोत्पत्तिं विचिन्तयन् ॥

After the sacrifice was completed, the

king with his heart fiilled with satisfaction,

lived happily on, thinking about the birth

of his sons.

ततश्च द्वादशे मासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ ।

नक्षत्रेऽदितिदैक्त्ये स्वोच्चसंस्थेषु पञ्चसु ।

ग्रहेषु कर्कटे ल सर्वलोकनमस्कृतम् ।

कौसल्याऽजनयद्रामं सर्वलक्षणसंयुतम् ।

विष्णोरर्धं महाभागं पुत्रमैक्ष्वाकवर्धनम् ॥

In the twelfth month, thereafter, on the

ninth day (of the bright fortnight) of the

Chaitra month, in the constellation Punar-

vasu ruled over by Aditi, when five

planets were in the ascendant, under the

lagna Karkata, Kausalya gave birth to

Rama, saluted by all and possessed of all