2023-08-14 14:56:34 by jayusudindra
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round the high souled Hanuman, with
their hearts rejoicing.
प्रहृष्टवदनाः सर्वे तमरोगमुपागतम् ।
उपायनानि चादाय मूलानि च फलानि च ।
प्रत्यर्चयन् हरिश्रेष्टं हरयो मारुतात्मजम् ॥
All the monkeys, with pleased counten-
ances, welcomed Hanuman, the foremost
of monkeys, who had returned unscathed,
with various kinds of offerings of roots
and fruits.
हनुमांस्तु गु
कुमारमङ्गदं चैव सोऽवन्दत महाकपिः ॥
And Hanuman, the great monkey, paid
obeisance to all his elders and teachers
like Jambavan, and to Prince Angada.
हनुमानब्रवीद्धृष्टस्तदा तान् वानरर्षभान् ॥
Then Hanuman, highly satisfied, said
to those mighty monkeys:
रक्ष्यमाणा सुघोराभी राक्षसीभिरनिन्दिता ॥