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कौसल्यायै नरपतिः पायसार्धं ददौ तदा ।

अर्धादर्धं ददौ चापि सुमित्रायै नराधिपः ॥

Then the king gave half the payasa to

Kausalya and half of the other half to


कैकेय्ये चावशिष्टार्धं ददौ पुत्रार्थकारणात् ।

प्रददौ चावशिष्टार्धं पायसस्यामृतोपमम् ।

अनुचिन्त्य सुमित्रायै पुनरेव महीपतिः ॥

The king gave half of the remainder to

Kaikeyi for the sake of a son; and the

remaining half of the nectar-like payasa

he gave again to Sumitra after delibera-


एवं तासां ददौ राजा भार्याणां पायसं पृथक् ॥

Thus the king gave of the payasa to

each of his wives.

पुत्रत्वं तु गते विष्णौ राज्ञस्तत्य महात्मनः ।

उवाच देवतास्सर्वाः स्वयम्भूर्भगवानिदम् ।

सृजध्वं हरिरूपेण पुत्रांस्तुल्यपराक्रमान् ॥

When Vishnu had become the sons of

the high-souled king, the venerable Sva-

yambhu (Brahma) spoke thus to all the

the gods :
" Beget sons equal to your-

selves in valour, in the shape of monkeys."