2023-08-14 14:18:39 by jayusudindra
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चकार सुमहद्रूपं राक्षसीनां भयावहम् ॥
Then the heroic Hanuman
that garden of damsels and made his
that garden of damsels and made his
form so big as to strike terror among
Rakshasa women.
ततस्तं गिरिसङ्काश राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः ।
विरूपं वानरं भीममा
Then the Rakshasa women, of deformed
faces, began to describe the evil-looking
horrid monkey who resembled a mountain:
सीतया कृतसंवादस्तिष्ठत्यमितविक्रमः ॥
" O king, in the middle of the Asoka
garden there is a monkey of terrific body
and immeasurable prowess, who is con-
versing with Sita.
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम् ।
By that monkey of wonderful form,
your garden of the damsels, which is full
of various kinds of animals and which is
a delight to your heart, has been des-