2023-02-21 17:40:55 by ambuda-bot
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ततस्तु हनुमान् वीरो बभञ्ज प्रमदावनम् ।
चकार सुमहद्रूपं राक्षसीनां भयावहम् ॥
Then the heroic Hanuman
that garden of damsels and made his
form so big as to strike terror among
Rakshasa women.
ततस्तं गिरिसङ्काश राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः ।
विरूपं वानरं भीममा ख्यातुमुपचक्रमुः ॥
Then the Rakshasa women, of deformed
faces, began to describe the evil-looking
horrid monkey who resembled a mountain:
अशोकवनिका मध्ये राजन् भीमवपुः कपिः ।
सीतया कृतसंवादस्तिष्ठत्यमितविक्रमः ॥
" O king, in the middle of the Asoka
garden there is a monkey of terrific body
and immeasurable prowess, who is con-
versing with Sita.
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम् ।
नानामृगगण/कीर्ण प्रमृष्टं प्रमदावनम् ॥
By that monkey of wonderful form,
your garden of the damsels, which is full
of various kinds of animals and which is
a delight to your heart, has been des-
ततस्तु हनुमान् वीरो बभञ्ज प्रमदावनम् ।
चकार सुमहद्रूपं राक्षसीनां भयावहम् ॥
Then the heroic Hanuman
that garden of damsels and made his
form so big as to strike terror among
Rakshasa women.
ततस्तं गिरिसङ्काश राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः ।
विरूपं वानरं भीममा ख्यातुमुपचक्रमुः ॥
Then the Rakshasa women, of deformed
faces, began to describe the evil-looking
horrid monkey who resembled a mountain:
अशोकवनिका मध्ये राजन् भीमवपुः कपिः ।
सीतया कृतसंवादस्तिष्ठत्यमितविक्रमः ॥
" O king, in the middle of the Asoka
garden there is a monkey of terrific body
and immeasurable prowess, who is con-
versing with Sita.
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम् ।
नानामृगगण/कीर्ण प्रमृष्टं प्रमदावनम् ॥
By that monkey of wonderful form,
your garden of the damsels, which is full
of various kinds of animals and which is
a delight to your heart, has been des-