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Going beyond the first three expedients

the fourth now comes into view.

कार्ये कर्मणि निर्दिष्टे यो बहून्यपि साधयेत् ।

पूर्वकार्याविरोधेन स कार्यं कर्तुमर्हति ॥

When a task has been allotted, he who

performs several others also without

prejudice to the first task, is indeed a fit

person for the accomplishment of the task.

न ह्येकः साधको हेतुः स्वल्पस्यापीह कर्मणः ।

यो ह्यर्थं बहुधा वेद स समर्थोऽर्थसाधने ।

Even to a small task in this world, no

single item is enough for full accomplish-

ment. Therefore he who seeks his purpose

in many ways will succeed in accomplish.

ing it.

इदमस्य नृशंसस्य नन्दनोपममुत्तमम् ।

वनं विध्वंसयिष्यामि शुष्कं वनमिवानलः ।

अस्मिन् भग्ने ततः कोपं करिष्यति दशाननः ॥

I will destroy the excellent garden of

the wicked Rakshasa, equal to Nandana,

even as fire destroys a dry jungle. When

this is ruined, the ten-faced Ravana will

become angry."