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Then, taking out the auspicious and

highly effulgent Chudamani that was tied

in her cloth, Sita gave it to Hanuman

saying 'this must be given
to Raghava."

प्रतिगृह्य ततो वीरो मणिरत्नमनुत्तमम् ।

अङ्गुल्या योजयामास न ह्यस्य प्राभवद्भुजः ॥

Then, receiving that unsurpassed and

excellent jewel, the heroic Hanuman tried

to put it on his finger but it would not fit

his finger.

मणिरत्नं कपिवरः प्रतिगृह्या भिवाद्य च ।

हृदयेन गतो रामं शरीरेण तु पिषिष्ठितः ॥

Taking that excellent jewel and saluting

her, the best of monkeys transported

himself mentally to where
Rama was,

though he stood there physically.

तस्माद्देशादभ्क्रम्य चिन्तयामास वानरः ॥

After moving away from that place, the

monkey indulged in thought:

ल्पशेषमिदं कार्यं दृष्टेयमसितेक्षणा ।

त्रीनुपायानतिक्रम्य चतुर्थ इह दृश्यते ॥

"A little of this business still remains to

be done. The dark-eyed Sita has been seen.