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Lakshmana should be asked of his
welfare, as from me. For Lakshmana is
always gentle and pure and competent
and dear to Rama.
यथा हि वानरश्रेष्ठ दुःखक्षयकरो भवेत् ।
त्वमस्मिन् कार्यनिर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तम ।
O best of monkeys, you are my sole
refuge in the conduct of this business so
that Rama should end my woes.
राघवस्त्वत्समारम्भान्मयि यत्नपरो भवेत् ।
इदं ब्रूयाश्च मे नाथं शूरं रामं पुनःपुनः ॥
Through this attempt of yours, Raghava
should bestir himself. Tell this to my
heroic lord Rama, again and again :
जीवितं धारयिष्यामि मासं दशरथात्मज ।
ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न जीवेयं सत्येनाहं ब्रवीमि ते ॥
"O Rama, son of Dasaratha, I shall
keep up my life for a month. Beyond
that month, I will not live. I tell this to
you with an cath."
ततो वस्त्रगतं मुक्त्त्तवा दिव्यं चूडामणिं शुभम् ।
प्रदेयो राघवायेति सीता हनुमते ददौ ।