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Lakshmana should be asked of his
welfare, as from me. For Lakshmana is
always gentle and pure and competent
and dear to
Lakshmana should be asked of his
welfare, as from me
ama. For Lakshmana is
always gentles and pure and competent
and dear to Rama.

यथा हि वानरश्रेष्ठ दुःखक्षयकरो भवेत् ।

त्वमस्मिन् कार्यनिर्योगे प्रमाणं हरिसत्तम ।

O best of monkeys, you are my sole

refuge in the conduct of this business so

that Rama should end my woes.

राघवस्त्वत्समारम्भान्मयि यत्नपरो भवेत् ।

इदं ब्रूयाश्च मे नाथं शूरं रामं पुनःपुनः ॥

Through this attempt of yours, Raghava

should bestir himself.
Tell this to my

heroic lord Rama, again and again :

जीवितं धारयिष्यामि मासं दशरथात्मज ।

ऊर्ध्वं मासान्न जीवेयं सत्येनाहं ब्रवीमि ते ॥

"O Rama, son of Dasaratha, I shall

keep up my life for a month. Beyond

that month, I will not live. I tell this to

you with an cath."

ततो वस्त्रगतं मुत्तक्त्वा दिव्यं चूडामणिं शुभम् ।

प्रदेयो राघवायेति सीता हनुमते ददौ ।