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न त्वामिहस्थां जानीते रामः कमललोचने ।
तेन त्वां नानयत्याशु शचीमिव पुरन्दरः ॥
"O lotus-eyed one, Rama does not
know that you are here. That is why he
has not taken you away quickly as Indra
did his queen Sachi.
श्रुत्वैव तु वचो मह्यं क्षिप्रमेष्यति रात्रवः ।
चमूं प्रकर्षन् महतीं हर्यृक्षगणसंकुलाम् ॥
Immediately on hearing my words,
Raghava will come here quickly, leading
a large army of monkeys and bears.
विष्टम्भयित्वा बाणौघैरक्षोभ्यं वरुणालयम् ।
करिष्यति पुरीं लङ्कां काकुत्स्थः शान्तराक्षसाम् ॥
Causing the imperturbable ocean to be
still (by means of a bridge) Rama
(Kakutstha) will make the city of Lanka
devoid of Rakshasas by means of his
terrible arrows.
तवादर्शनजेनार्ये शोकेन स परिप्लुतः ।
न शर्म लभते रामः सिंहार्दित इव द्विपः ॥
O noble lady, worried with grief on
account of not seeing you, Rama does
not get any peace of mind like an
elephant smitten by a lion.